Sunday, October 9, 2011

Bani Walid can’t be taken, so MSM ignore it

Fundamentally, the government mouthpiece corporate media keeps us in a state of slavery by asking its consumers to employ Orwellian modes of thought about what it reports. That the consumer can doublethink is integral to the exercise of perception shaping that essentially, when you strip it down to bare bones, is all that modern corporate media exists these days to do. And part of this, as I’ve explained before many times here, is asking its consumers to make intellectual and emotional investment in the significance of the corporate media – to believe in its authority by subscribing to an illusion of its size and importance.

The Libyan War, as well as being a good demonstration of the out-and-out perversion of our criminal political elite (that’s why I’ve dwelt upon it), also offers an opportunity to show how the media insists on doublethink in its consumer-ship. For instance, Al-Qaeda is bad, but Al-Qaeda is good. Kinetic military action is not war (therefore a nuclear warhead strike is not war). War itself is peace-keeping. Protecting civilians is bombing them. Ethnic cleansing is not ethnic cleaning, and neither is systematic murder of black people a genocide. Holding some of Tripoli is to capture the capital city of Libya. It goes on and on.

NATO and their Al-Qaeda associates can only execute the theatre of endless (but deadly) charades that is the Libyan War because so many people in the UK, France and the USA – principally – are able to do the doublethinking that their governments require of them; that in itself is an indication of their slavery. The public might have heard of the book 1984 (and some of them even read it), but in doublethink’s greatest triumph, even if they understand that the psychology and group-think described therein is feasible, they don’t believe it exists in real life.

Of course, the conduit through which the trickery, and therefore the slavery, is delivered is the corporate media. And just when we thought they had exhausted the capacity of their consumers to deceive themselves, they stepped up another gear.

What they – or should I say, in this case, the Guardian – were presenting on Friday was the story of how, the NTC had launched what it hoped would be a final assault on Sirte. In the Guardian, the headline writer penned this : "Gaddafi’s last stronghold, the city of Sirte, becomes Libya’s final battle."

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